Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I Believe in You, Tulsa

And so another season begins. All my boxes have been unpacked and suitcases stowed away. My room has been rearranged, and then re-rearranged. Things are starting to fall into place. I accepted a job at a production company in Tulsa couple of weeks ago. I must admit that although I blatantly, violently refused to even search for jobs in the state of Oklahoma at first, I have come to love my morning drives towards the downtown skyline. The commute usually affords me ample time to set the day's mood with the perfect music mix or a healthy dose of NPR. It's taken quite a bit of kicking and screaming but I have been persuaded to give Tulsa a chance. Having a job that I look forward to everyday and coworkers who are as brilliantly creative as they are kind, make it a bit easier. Not to mention having all of my friends within a 30-minute driving radius, instead of a 4-hour journey for coffee and gossip. Living here is growing on me. I like to describe Tulsa as an angsty teenager, who isn't really sure what she would like to be. She's tried sports for a while, but it never really caught on. She has a rich history of music, but sometimes I think she forgets her roots. Sometimes she's eco-friendly, sometimes she's eco-fallible (I must admit, that I happen to mimic her in this way. Ever hear of a reusable bag, Tulsa? I think as I stand in the Target line behind a woman with enough plastic bags to clog a small ocean. Damn, I left mine in my trunk! Oh well. And this is how it goes.). Tulsa is home to some pretty talented artists but like any moody teen, she does a good job of keeping her talent hidden from the world. Funny thing though, as I move back and begin to compare Tulsa to (what I consider) the awesomeness and adult-like self-confidence of Kansas City, I have started to hear other Tulsans echoing my sentiments. The potential of what Tulsa could be is here, she's just going to have to make up her mind as to what she wants to be. I believe in you, Tulsa. I think you can be something amazing. And since I'm committing to work and play and live in this city for a while, please do something.

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