Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prairie Revelations

I realize I haven't been a very good blogger. My posts have been, well, lacking to say the least. I promised myself I would do a better job. It just seems like right now, the work I am doing, what's going on in my life, just isn't very exciting. Still love my job but it's a lot of the same from day to day - phone calls, emails, more phone calls. The pace will be changing soon and I hope to be more diligent with my updates. For the time being I thought it would be interesting to post some journal entries from earlier this summer. Beginning in May, just after graduation, and up through my trip to Spain. During this time I began to contemplate a lot in regards to what it really means to grow up and what kind of grown-up I want to be. I hope you enjoy the departure, I'll be back to blogging about my current movie making adventures soon enough.

May 13, 2010
How quickly the change from child to grown-up happens. Two weeks ago all I worried about were finals, using what was left of my Sodexo Bucks and watching Lost. Although Lost remains a priority, I am now confronted with grown-up issues. In the last 48 hours I have driven to Kansas City and back, interviewed and accepted a job, made living arrangements, and am currently on my way to the airport to Spain. The rapid succession of life changes has sort of left my head spinning. I think the strangest element is the aloneness. Maybe it was the solitude of the drive up Highway 169, with only a few semis and farmers to keep me company. Somewhere on the prairie I realized that for the first time I will be on my own. In a new state and a new job. The quiet hum of the car a silent "Amen."

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