Wednesday, June 9, 2010


It's amazing working some place where everyday I have to pinch myself that I really get to do this...really! I found out yesterday that my official job title is "production manager." Although this will go through many transformations over the next 6 months, my current job responsibilities have centered around reading through the script and dissecting each scene to determine what props are needed to make that scene happen. Boy am I thankful I took that scriptwriting class last semester! It may not seem like an intense job, but 284 scenes later I am beginning to realize that every detail matters. Which is good since a majority of my responsibility on this film, will be in the details. So if you're wondering, all those picky professors who make you redo assignments until they were right (ahem, Cristi Freudenrich and Chris Putman), they really are trying to help you understand how important it is to have the details in order; they may not be the most important elements but without them the whole project is off. In addition to learning my job responsibilities, I am also quickly learning about the basic life responsibilities of adulthood. Today I began the process of applying for health insurance and figuring out car insurance. These are the parts of being an adult that no one thinks about when they're 16 and all they want is to drink and be rid of curfew. How fast our priorities have to change.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Grown-up: Day 1

"Welcome to the real world she said to me condescendingly, take your seat..."

As of today I am seated, strapped in and ready to go. This was my first day at my new job, in a new city, in a new state. There's been a lot of change in my life as of late. As I pulled out of the hotel parking lot weeping yesterday, I felt less like a grown-up and more like a girl who is going to miss her family a lot. And although that is true, I am so excited about this next stage in life. I am going to spend the next 6 months working on the set of an independent film that's being shot here in Kansas City. It's a dream job! The kind of job that could be one of those fork-in-the-road, never-looking-back opportunities in life. At least that's what I'm hoping. This blog is how I hope to keep track of the adventures and misadventures in my newly adult life. Here's to hoping for a good start and a great ending, cheers!